Thursday, October 1, 2015

God's Will - Finding It or Being Found By It?

Our love story started at a camp in Michigan. That is, at least it started for me; Bill doesn't remember.

It was a fleeting thought that flew through my brain the day we were introduced, I want to marry that guy. A crazy thought for a college sophomore, or for anyone for that matter. I knew exactly three things about him ... his name, that we both attended Hope College, and that he was a freshman. And I made one assumption about him. It was wrong.

As our college journey continued, and our friendship blossomed into love, God confirmed that crazy (or was it) thought through his Word. I tend to believe that the crazy thought is an example of being found by the will of God.

Thinking back over many decisions, most often, I think God's will found me.

I couldn't have been more surprised that morning when the Sunday School superintendent approached me and asked me to develop a Bible memory program for the elementary children of our large church.

Driving home a couple of hours later, I related the request to Bill. His response was immediate, Sue, that's right up your alley. God found me and Well-Versed Kids was born.

Our family called four different churches home in the four different cities we lived in. With three of those four churches it was easy to see how God's will found us. Friendships from all four churches continue to bless today. If you need a church recommendation in Champaign/Urbana, IL, or Peoria, IL, or Sacramento, or Colorado Springs, please call. We can help.        

I don't think Simon and Andrew were praying to discover God's will or looking for a new vocation (from the Latin word vocare which means calling) when Jesus passed by. But they allowed themselves to be found.

I doubt that it ever entered the minds of Mary or Elizabeth to be miracle mothers, but they allowed themselves to be found.

Three of Jesus' most well-known prayers in Matthew 6, 26, and John 17 record that Jesus' greatest desire was to allow the will of God to find him.

           "Your kingdom come,  your will be done." Matthew 6:10
           "... nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will." Matthew 26:39
           "I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do. John 17:4          

In his book, Let Your Life Speak, Parker J. Palmer says, "... and we must trust and use our gifts in ways that fulfill the potentials God gave us." (underline mine)

As I look back at the twists and turns of my life and those closest to me, I see how God's will found us.

And all those "being founds" led to God's will being lived out in ordinary days and the kingdom of God advancing.

God is our creator.
God is all knowing.
God is an initiating God.
He loves me.
He is my shepherd.
His desire is for me.
His will is good, acceptable, and perfect.

So how do I set myself up to be found by the will of God? The better I know my friends, the better I know their desires. The same can be said of God.

"Yet it was the will of the LORD to crush him;
... the will of the LORD shall prosper in his hand."
Isaiah 53:10


1 comment:

  1. I love that your journey with Bill started at Hope college! What an awesome name for something so wonderful the Lord was doing! :0) Thanks for sharing!
